Time will pass and the Dragon will dance with its true love, American dollars, and Trinidad will be left out in the cold.
All this global politics is a distraction. At best Trinidad is being used. No deal has been made with Venezuela but America is flirting with Venezuelan gas through us.
Time will pass and the Dragon will dance with its true love, American dollars, and Trinidad will be left out in the cold.
The government says we have ten years of gas left, and after that, windmills.
The storm that is coming requires a multi pronged proactive response to diversify into as many fronts as possible to destabilize the depression sure to hit us.

Cut expenses. Cut wasteful contracts. Terminate rentals, leases, unnecessary recurrent expenditure and put the country and its people to work.
Carnival as a last romp before dying is unnecessary drama from a Government long on hyperbole and short on ideas.
The harshest reality is all of this is a function of greed and theft. Trinidad never had to get here.
Agriculture, agro processing, shipping, tourism are all lifelines we could grab now. Early investments that capitalizes on our climate and our cheap labour should be chased down like an addict chasing a hit.
This ‘after the fact’ Government full of blame and excuses and short of articulate vision for the country is not what we nee
The country needs leadership capable of harnessing the collective capacity of all our resources profitably. The people need to understand if the twin faces of political race have not set the country up for success when petro dollars were flowing then it should be clear that they never will.
It is time for fundamental change at a cultural level, where we use politics to find the right team for the job. We have choices. The people need to use them wisely. Something that we have consistently failed to do since independence. That is the problem.
It could ALL be fixed. We have to want it to.
It could ALL be fixed. We have to want it to be fixed!
Phillip Edward Alexander
It will always come down to the nonsense of voting race while the politically connected financier elite use the PNM and UNC for their own benefit to the detriment of the people. Our conundrum. Dragons aren’t the issue. We are
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